Labor Day 2024: AS Prototypes Observes a Three-Day Break

AS Prototypes will observe a three-day break from May 1st to 3rd, 2024, during the Labor Day holiday. During this period, the production team will pause operations, but the sales team will remain available for urgent support.

As Labor Day 2024 approaches, it’s a time to celebrate the hard work and dedication of workers across China and around the world. Labor Day, celebrated on May 1st, is recognized globally as a day to honor the contributions of laborers and the working class. In China, this day marks the beginning of Golden Week, a period when many enjoy a well-deserved rest and family time.

At AS Prototypes, we recognize the importance of this holiday and the need for our team to recharge. Therefore, we will be observing a three-day break from May 1st to May 3rd. During this time, our production facilities will pause operations to allow our staff to enjoy the holiday.

While our production team takes this time off, our sales team will remain available to assist with any urgent client needs. This ensures that our commitment to our clients remains strong, even during holiday periods.

Celebrating the Spirit of Labor Day
Labor Day is not just a public holiday; it’s a tribute to the achievements and efforts of workers everywhere. It’s a day to reflect on the progress made through hard work and to acknowledge the ongoing efforts that drive our societies forward.

At AS Prototypes, we are proud to support our team’s well-being with this break, affirming our appreciation for their hard work throughout the year. We believe that a well-rested and motivated team is essential for continuing to meet the challenges of our industry with innovation and excellence.

Looking Ahead
As we look forward to the return of our team, we are excited about the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead. We hope that this break not only serves as a restful period for our employees but also as a time for them to gain renewed energy and inspiration.

We wish everyone a safe and enjoyable Labor Day holiday. Let’s take this time to celebrate the incredible dedication and labor of workers not just in our company, but around the globe.

(Our colleagues are playing tug-of-war)